Monday, November 17, 2008

November 17: Classical and Operant Conditioning

In-Class Activities:

1) Neuron Notes. You wrote a new question on operant conditioning and read about classical conditioning from last class.

2) Pop Quiz on Chapter 8. I checked notes too and you earned 3 points just for keeping up! Good job! For those of you who are not on top of the reading, get on it!

3) Classical Conditioning. We finished our notes and completed some practice handouts on the UCS --> UCR, NS, CS -->CR. Then we went over everyday examples from advertising, taste aversions, and more.

4) Operant Conditioning. We took notes and made sure everyone understood the difference between reinforcement and punishment, especially NEGATIVE reinforcement. I shared some ideas on the fact that we live in in a world where people need reinforcement and rewards. We talked about extrinsic vs. intrinsic motivation, delay of gratification, procrastination, and more. We finished with going over the schedules of reinforcement.


1) Finish chapter 8 (if you haven't).

2) REVIEW!! The test on Wednesday is just chapter 8. It will be a shortened period since it is a district in-service day, but enough time (60 minutes for the 100 multiple choice test like we always have).

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