Sunday, November 16, 2008

November 10: Cumulative Test

1) No Neuron Note questions today but you could read answers.

2) Chapters 1 - 7 Test. 100 multiple choice questions total -- ~15 per chapter, ~30 from Ch.7. Why do we do a cumulative test now? Hopefully, you feel like you know the answers and have learned a lot already in theis class! :) If you were absent, you will take the test at the beginning of class on Thursday while we go over the correct answers.

5) Learning Outline. You received the new outline for the Learning unit. Please get organized. Next week, we'll have some great conversations about Pavlov and Skinner. FYI: This unit is short because it is pretty straightforward. You need to read the chapter but we will not have an activities to do. You need to understnad UCS, UCR, ... positive and negative reinforcement, ...


1) Start chapter 8.

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