Sunday, November 16, 2008

November 6: Consciousness

In-Class Activities:

1) Neuron Notes. You wrote a new question on consciousness.

2) Consciousness Activities Assignment Explained. You can choose between: recording your day dreams, collecting 50 random thoughts from people, analyzing your night dreams, or trying to wake yourself in stage 1 sleep and solve a problem through sleep.

3) Circadian Rhythm. We talked about your body's natural rhythm in a 24-hour period and you watched a video of Michel Siffre who lived in a cave in Texas for 7 months to see what would happen without any time cues (i.e. the moon, sun, etc.).

4) Hypnosis. You watched video clips of people being hypnotized and what they will say/do. Cool!

5) Drugs and Alcohol. You received several short articles on the topics of drugs and alcohol to read including: caffeine, the date rape drug, medical marijuana, drug abuse treatment, and more.


1) Finish chapter 7 (if you haven't).

2) REVIEW!! The test on Monday is cumulative and you should study with someone!

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