Friday, November 21, 2008

Wednesday, November 19: Learning Test

Today was a District In-Service Day so the period was shortened but you still had 60 minutes to get the test done. Let me know that was problematic.

1) No Neuron Note questions today but you could read answers.

2) Chapter 8 Test. 100 multiple choice questions on learning. If you were absent, you will take the test at the beginning of class on Thursday while we go over the correct answers.

3) Cognition and Memory Outline. You received the new outline for the next unit. Please get organized. Memory is chapter 9 and Cognition is chapter 10. Plan to read chapter 9 over the weekend and if you feel ambitious, read chapter 10 over Thanksgiving Break.

4) Are Human Actions Determined? You received the articles and handout to analyze two sides of this issue of free will.


1) Start chapter 9.

2) Read the article and complete the handout in preparation for a Socratic Seminar.

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