Sunday, November 16, 2008

November 4: Review Test/ Start Consciousness

In-Class Activities:

1) Neuron Notes. You wrote a new question on consciousness.

2) Review Test on Sensation and Perception. We went over the tricky questions from the test on chapters 5 & 6. This was a hard test for many of you. I curved the test, making it out of 95. I wonder if the difficulty came from the new content, your preparation, or that this is a busy time of the year for many of you...

3) Consciousness Lecture. We completed a survey on our sleep debt and found that most of you are sleep deprived (and some of you need to go to bed and stop reading this blog!!). We discussed the need to get through all the 5 cycles of a night's sleep in order to get the REM you need to be ready for each day. I lectured about the importance of melotonin, not taking huge afternoon naps (longer than an hour), and more. Hopefully some of you will take the book's advice and just go to bed 15 minutes earlier each night and see how you feel.


1) Read chapter 7.

2) Next test is cumulative -- chpaters 1 through 7.

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