Monday, January 11, 2010

January 11: IQ Tests

Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note. You wrote a new question or comment for the reading and read the answers. Keep up with your reading!

2) Announcements.
Emotional Intelligence Video at lunch today. Multiple Intelligence debate on Wednesday. Ch. 11 Test on Friday.

3) Mensa Tests. You completed two tests of intelligence. 1) Analogies 2) Remote Associations. The goal was not to determine your IQ but to analyze these tests asking, "What are these tests measuring? Is that intelligence?"Is this a better measure of intelligence?

4) Chitling Test. You took this IQ test to start our discussion on cultural bias in IQ testing. This test was put together by Adrian Dove, a black sociologist, to challenge the IQ tests of the 1960s and 1970s.

5) Class discussion of Culture and Intelligence. We watched the research of Aboriginal children and white Australian children and spatial intelligence. We discussed how our culture determines our success on IQ tests

6) Brain Imaging of Intelligence. We discussed new research by Robert Haier who is imaging the brain and studying intelligence. What we could identify major areas of the brain of intelligence!?

1) Multiple Intelligences readings. Complete the handout so you can be part of the disucssion.

2) Read Ch. 11 pp.437-445.

3) Chapter 11 test is on Friday.

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