Wednesday, January 6, 2010

January 5: Welcome Back!

Class Activities:

1) Welcome Back! We talked about break. No Neuron Note necessary.

2) Review Final Exam. We looked at all the questions from each chapter and went over the ones which were most troublesome. You could see what chapters were your best and worst from last semester.

3) Assess 1st Semester. You took the time to give me feedback on what worked for you first semester in AP Psych and what you would like to see being done differently. You wrote a "New Year's Resolution."

4) What is Intelligence? We all imagined a smart person in our lives and shared the characteristics of those people. Oh no! We all had different traits! What makes someone intelligence? We want this to be an objective thing but it isn't. We'll talk more next class.


1) Read Ch. 11 pp.419-432.

2) Reorganize yourself! Clean out your binder, plan how you'll take notes, look at those study habits. Come to class with your binder and yourself ready to learn!

3) Chapter 11 test is on next week on Friday.

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