Wednesday, January 13, 2010

January 13: Mutliple Intelligences

Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note. You wrote a new question or comment for the reading and read the answers.

2) Announcements.
Lunch today we will review of chapter 11 vocabulary and Ch. 11 Test on Friday.

3) Pop Quiz. If you were gone, plan to take it after Friday's test.

4) Multiple Intelligences Discuss. You read the debate on Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences and we discussed this theory and John White's disagreement with it.

5) Sternberg and Triarchic Theory. We watched the video clip of Sternberg talking about his theory and his examples.

6) Normal Curve Handout. Make sure you know the percentages of the IQ test results.


1) Finish Chapter 11

2) Chapter 11 Test in on Friday.

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