Friday, January 22, 2010

January 22: Maslow and Hunger

Almost a snow day! :)

Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note. You read last time's responses and you write a new question.

2)Psych News. For 2B, Megan brought in an interesting article on how we perceive global warming.

3) Notes on Maslow and More. I also introduced Glasser's Needs.

4) Alive. We watched 12 minutes of the movie "Alive" based on the true story of the 1972 plane crash survivors who had to resort to cannibalism in order to survive.

5) Hunger. WOW...our motivation to eat is huge! We went through the ways that signal our hunger motivation and we quickly looked body image issues and eating disorders. We'll talk more next class!


1) Finish Chapter 12.

2) Maslow Assignment. If you didn't finish it, record events in your life that fulfill each level of Maslow's Hierarchy and whether or not you think you have achieved this level.

3) Statistics Free-Response. This is your first one. Try it out. Give yourself a half hour to sit quietly and write your answer. No need for a thesis, introduction, conclusion. Do not type your answer. Write. Use your book this time or your notes. Try it out and see what you think. It is due on Tuesday.

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