Wednesday, January 6, 2010

January 7: Intelligence

Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note. You wrote your first NN for second semester.

2) Feedback from 1st Semester. I shared your comments about first semester. It went well for many of you. As for our class time together, you want more discussions and help with the tests. Some of you love the videos, some of you don't. Some of you love the pop quizzes, some of you don't. Most of you are going to keep up with the reading more and study more each day and cram less.

3) AP Psych News. You received a packet to keep everyone's articles this semester. I presented the article "The Price of Affluence" as the first Psych News. If you'd like to read the article, go to: You signed up for a day to present your own articles of interest.We had some very interesting discussions on this topic.

4) Intelligence Definitions: Is it a general trait or is it independent abilities?


1) Read Ch. 11 pp.427-437.

2) Chapter 11 test is next Friday.

3) Multiple Intelligences articles. Complete the handouts and bring it on Wednesday for a good discussion.

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