Wednesday, January 20, 2010

January 20: Review Test/ Intro to Motivation

Class Activities:

1) Neuron Note. Your wrote a question for the first section chapter 12.

2) Psych News. For 2B, Megan presented an article on stress and for 3B, Ryan presented an article on neuroticism.

3) Test Review. We went over the test questions that were most missed by the class. It is really important that you guys study with others to hear someone else's explanation of concepts. This chapter was hard for many of you so I made it out of 93 so hopefully that helped.

4) Introduction of Motivation. When you think about the future what comes to mind? We talked about hope, instincts, drives, and arousal. At the end I briefly shared Maslow. We'll cover this more on Friday.


1) Read chapter 12 pp. 432-441

2) Maslow Assignment. For Friday, record events in your life that fulfill each level of Maslow's Hierarchy and whether or not you think you have achieved this level.

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